Wednesday, September 14, 2011

To the Landowner and to the land...

Raindrops have begun to kiss the already wet earth once again, while i type. Its perhaps this what would describe this place the best, rain and more rain but I am sure rain is not the only thing that makes me love this land with such a passion. Because I also see green mountains, blue skies, the faces, the innocence in so many of them, the sun rising majestically over this emerald land.
I think that when He made this country, in between the so many mountains He hid wonders, and whenever someone discovers them ,they fall in love. I am not sure if I have evere discovered but I am sure that all that this eyes have seen and this heart has felt for this land is pure love.

Honduras will tomorrow morning wake up to the roaring sounds of drums, then the colors will fill the streets and celebration for what is known as freedom will begin.
This land that although lacks freedom, celebrates in my opinion, not only that but also the joy of living in a land full of wonder, amazement and beauty.
That's how I know that it was Him, the Creator, who has been once again so amazingly gracious towards us by letting our feet walk this land, for letting our lungs be filled with this air, for letting our eyes see His work.
Tomorrow I hope that even if freedom is what is meant to be celebrated, we celebrate Him for his love and mercy for giving us this land to call ours. So when the lights go out and celebration ends, I hope thankfulness will still abide.
I hope that after tomorrow eyes will see our nation and be proud of it, maybe not for being historic or rich or a world power, but because the Lord has given us this place and filled it with enough beauty to believe in His existence, to know that He is there.
September 15th, Honduras celebrates independence, but for forever may these hearts be thankful to the Creator for giving us this land.

God bless Honduras.
God bless the generous land of my birth!